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Airsoft and Milsim News and INNOVATION for the USA and the World!
Curated by Thumpy Covey
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Change at the top for the EAA - Facebook

Change at the top for the EAA - Facebook | Thumpy's 3D House of Airsoft™ @ |

“Hello everyone, Matt here, posting one last time to let you know that I’ve stood down as President (minutes of that meeting will be on our website soon). I’m sad to do so as it’s been great fun, I’ve met so many positive like minded people from across the continent, and it’s a very exciting period for the association. Unfortunately, I’m just not able to commit enough time to the EAA to lead airsoft through the crisis we are facing with the EU proposal, the reclassification of replicas as cat C firearms.

The good news is that Joachim Dekkers has been elected by the committee as my replacement. Joachim is an experienced lobbyist, was one of the founders of the EAA and was head of the NABV. He’s got some big plans going forward and I believe he is the man we need right now.

I wish Joachim the best of luck and I will continue to support him as the UKAPU representative on the committee. Many thanks to the players throughout Europe who have supported the EAA throughout the last 4 years I’ve been President. I feel like the barriers are breaking down very quickly and we are becoming one huge community. Our battles against the worst aspects of the mass media and opportunist illiberal politicians, and our love of replicas and airsoft gaming is universal. Retail seems to be less restricted by national borders too.

I shouldn’t need to remind you that the EU attack on replicas is still hanging in the balance, 2016 could be the year airsoft finishes in Europe. But in the words of Margaret Mead; Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.

Hope to catch some of you at IWA or Airsoft Wars Lizard later in the year.

Kind Regards,
Matt Furey-King
Ex-President European Airsoft Association …”

Thumpy Covey's insight:

Crucial timing but a solid transition for the EAA….we know Matt, Joachim and the gang will continue their fight against burdensome regulations that threaten the game ‘over there’  and we are here to help them as they’ve done for all of us, too!

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ALERT FOR EU 'SOFTERS - ACT NOW!  FIGHT NOW! - via NL AIRSOFT | Thumpy's 3D House of Airsoft™ @ |
Thumpy Covey's insight:

Our Buddy SLICK AXE over at NL Airsoft is sounding the alarm on one of the most AIR STUPID regulations we’ve ever heard of.

CLICK THE PIC to read the full details and get links for your official comments to be registered with the European Union…but in a nut-shell a proposal has been pushed forward to REQUIRE COMPULSORY REGISTRATION OF AIRSOFT GUNS AS FIREARMS!

Seriously.  Is this the best you can do EU at a time of crisis?  If I was in Europe, I’d be seriously pissed even if I was not an airsofter…but you guys who have the RIGHT to play need to stand up now for ALL YOUR RIGHTS!  AIRSOFTERS ARE NOT CRIMINALS…and they don’t need to be made into criminals at a time when resources are stretched so thin to take the wolves out of the midst of law-abiding people around the world!   DO.  THIS.  NOW!

To stay up on the latest in this fight, you can also FOLLOW NL AIRSOFT’s FB FAN PAGE for threads discussing the tactics for this fight, too!  And it won’t hurt in the least to share this around the globe, too!

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EXCLUSIVE GLOCK AIRSOFT PHOTOS FROM PARIS! - Soldier Systems Daily for Thumpy! | Thumpy's 3D House of Airsoft™ @ |

CLICK THE PIC to see all the photos at Thumpy's Airsoft News and Comment!

Thumpy Covey's insight:

WOWSER!  Our buddy ERIC G. from SOLDIER SYSTEMS DAILY is boots-on-the-ground at MILIPOL 2105 in Paris and just minutes ago snapped some more detailed pics of the police/military training Glocks at the Spartan Imports Europe stand….EXCLUSIVE to Thumpy’s as we add some context to the first licensed airsoft product signed off on by Glock!

CLICK ANY OF THE PICS BELOW TO GO TO SSD and see all of Eric’s Coverage…as well as the links to his social channels and to the Airsoft-Savvy and Smart TACTICAL FANBOY page from the Soldier Systems Family (Hi Wolf!  Hope you’re healing up buddy!)

BgAirsoft Thomas's curator insight, November 21, 2015 4:19 PM

Will they make it to the U.S.?!

AIR STUPID TERRORISM? - Hueytown teen arrested over social media threats against airport

AIR STUPID TERRORISM? - Hueytown teen arrested over social media threats against airport | Thumpy's 3D House of Airsoft™ @ |

“…We went to the house, interviewed him, found that the weapons that were displayed were actually called Airsoft guns, which are not real guns but they’re replicas and they’re very realistic in their appearance,” Hueytown Police Chief Chuck Hagler said. “

Thumpy Covey's insight:

This is almost too amazingly AIR STUPID to believe…but it is on the Hueytown, Alabama FB Page and covered by local media.

Holy hopping live interwebz!

STORY from local TV News:

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AIRSOFTERS are NOT TERRORISTS...Official reply from VTM NIEUWS in Belgium!

AIRSOFTERS are NOT TERRORISTS...Official reply from VTM NIEUWS in Belgium! | Thumpy's 3D House of Airsoft™ @ |

GOOGLE TRANSLATE: "...Although we only the existence of a suspect in the past identified, activity near Verviers mentioned in the item, we understand that the Airsoft community wants to distance themselves from this kind of abuse of their sport.

We understand their concern for their sport and like them we want a possible misunderstanding about their involvement in this final end to them.    

Kris Hoflack

General editor VTM NEWS..."

Thumpy Covey's insight:

LUCID MIND "rallied the troops," and Belgium's BB Warriors got their point across...see Lucid's official report via ARNIE's AIRSOFT NEWS HERE....Great work, and keep on top of this where you live.  Our game is under attack from all sides...and we need to protect what we all love!

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Airsofters are NOT TERRORISTS! A WIN for Belgium and Lucid Mind - Timeline Photos

Airsofters are NOT TERRORISTS! A WIN for Belgium and Lucid Mind - Timeline Photos | Thumpy's 3D House of Airsoft™ @ |

"It is a victory, but a SHARED one ... 
It's thanks to ALL the airsofters out there that we have achieved our right to reply to the outrageous terrorist accusations ... 
This is why I would ask EVERYBODY who is free and available and in the possibility to get to VILVOORDE .. to JOIN US !
Let's show those reporters that a community truly IS a community ..
We are expected to arrive there TOMORROW, at 12hr ..
For those who want to be present, lets join on the parking in FRONT of the building. Since this is on INVITATION only, it's pointless to show up and go inside alone.
If you need more info : just send me a message !...."

Thumpy Covey's insight:

For those following from outside Belgium, the largest TV news broadcaster there accused AIRSOFTERS of being behind some of the terror cells being tracked down (SEE OUR EARLIER SCOOP HERE and from ARNIE's HERE) Looks like Lucid Mind's campaign gets them a chance to be heard/recorded and to set the record straight!  GO GET 'EM!

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NEWS FLASH FOR BELGIUM! - AIRSOFTERS ARE NOT TERRORISTS! - Lucid Mind via FACEBOOK | Thumpy's 3D House of Airsoft™ @ |

"After the outrageous news item on VTM (the largest TV station in Belgium) depicting Airsofters as "terrorists" - the only excuse we got was that "it was impossible for them to see who was a terrorist and who wasn't" on our pictures ... so that they would keep on using these pictures in order to alert the population.

So let's help them out ... send them a picture of yourself during a game with the text "I AM NOT A TERRORIST, AIRSOFT IS A SPORT" to show them that we are sick and tired of being depicted as such ...
Send them your picture on and share this message ... lets flood them with awesome sport pictures !..."

Thumpy Covey's insight:

Our buddy LUCID MIND has been fighting a battle with Belgium's largest TV NEWS CHANNEL...which apparently pulled photos and "allege" that an airsoft group in the Ardennes is a bunch of TERRORISTS!   We predict some pretty rugged times ahead for our brothers and sisters in gun-shy and shell/media-shocked Europe...IF WE DON'T ALL START PULLING TOGETHER AS ONE TEAM!  Je Suis AIRSOFTERS!

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More on the EU Airsoft AIR STUPID plan- Video from the EAA & Matt Furey-King

More on the EU Airsoft AIR STUPID plan- Video from the EAA & Matt Furey-King | Thumpy's 3D House of Airsoft™ @ |

“Link to full article…

The EU is voting on whether to implement a proposal which will really hurt airsoft and other parts of the firearms community….”

Thumpy Covey's insight:

Our buddy Matt Furey-King puts some more perspective on the proposed AIR STUPID European Union ‘trial balloon’ being floated to have all airsofters register their replicas as if they were actual firearms or face criminal penalties…all in the name of fighting terrorism. 

AIRSOFTERS ARE NOT CRIMINALS and AIRSOFT IS NOT THE PROBLEM!…CLICK THE PIC or Matt’s link to the EAA Facebook Page for the full details and a STEP BY STEP list of things you need to do now to fight this!

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Give up your BB guns? - UK's response to Terrorists?

Give up your BB guns? - UK's response to Terrorists? | Thumpy's 3D House of Airsoft™ @ |

“This year the campaign will also focus on imitation weapons, BB guns and air weapons, and the potential for these items to be mistaken for genuine weapons. A social media campaign will highlight how realistic imitation firearms can appear – even to the highly-trained eye of a firearms officer – and the dangers faced by anyone carrying such an item in an inappropriate setting. This will include a number of tweets beginning Monday 23 November with images of guns giving people #secondstodecidewhether the guns posted are real or fake….”

Thumpy Covey's insight:

Saw this one over on the always-reliable AIRSOFT INTERNATIONAL FB Fan Channel…and wondered what ‘Softers around the world say about any attempt to combat terrorism by such a wrong-headed official idea as this. True…all of us have different levels of ‘official-dumb’ to navigate in our quest for BB warz…but, come on.  Do we let the terrorists win?  

Another link with commentary, via UK Shooting News WP Page: LINK HERE

CLICK THE PIC for the official link to the Met’s ‘campaign”…and LEAVE YOUR THOUGHTS HERE for us to share…

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American Train Heros were AIRSOFTERS FIRST! - SacBee and Mona Charen - Thumpy Commentary

American Train Heros were AIRSOFTERS FIRST! - SacBee and Mona Charen - Thumpy Commentary | Thumpy's 3D House of Airsoft™ @ |

"...Friends from age 7, they played with their siblings and neighbors up and down Woodknoll Way, favoring games such as Airsoft, in which participants shoot each other with realistic-looking replica guns that fire plastic pellets, said Peter Skarlatos, Alek’s older brother. Later at Del Campo High School, they played football, lacrosse and other contact sports...."

Thumpy Covey's insight:

Heroes.  But first, they were Airsofters.  Not widely-reported outside of their hometown newspaper, the Sacramento Bee, two of the men who stopped the EU train shooter were first and always All American Boys:....:READ THUMPY's COMMENTARY - CLICK THE PIC!

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AIR STUPID Hong Kong - Were Terrorists going to 3D Alter Airsoft into Real Steel Guns?

AIR STUPID Hong Kong - Were Terrorists going to 3D Alter Airsoft into Real Steel Guns? | Thumpy's 3D House of Airsoft™ @ |

“….Among the items recovered in a raid of an abandoned warehouse, around the middle of this month, were explosives such as triacetone triperoxide, syringes, masks, several airsoft rifles, paraphernalia from government opposition groups, and a lone desktop 3D printer. Authorities are now investigating whether or not the group had intended to modify the airsoft rifles, perhaps using components fabricated on the 3D printer, to make them lethal….”

Thumpy Covey's insight:

If this story from 3D is extrapolating the data from the recent arrests in Hong Kong, there is a possibility that suspected/arrested “terrorists” were going high-tech in an effort to turn easily-available airsoft or pellet/metal bb guns into either real firearms or lethal powered “guns.”

We were tracking on the arrests but did not pass on news, as the only apparent airsoft tie-in was some of the guns confiscated…and the fact that the scene of the alleged plot was also a A.O. for some HK airsoft events and film projects.  Still….one wonders if this article and fallout from the “plot” might fall in a negative way on the Hong Kong airsoft in industry.  And if it does, that could negatively impact ALL of airsoft around the world…

Original Story Link HERE:

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AIRSOFTERS ARE NOT TERRORIST FOLLOWUP! - Lucid Mind & Belgium 'Softers are heard! - Facebook

AIRSOFTERS ARE NOT TERRORIST FOLLOWUP! - Lucid Mind & Belgium 'Softers are heard! - Facebook | Thumpy's 3D House of Airsoft™ @ |

Dudes and dudettes, today was a good day for the airsoft community.

After my call to them-following the Verviers report-to demonstrate our displeasure (and those massive was succeeded), I was invited on the editing to make there to explain our vision.
Although their vision might not be totally in line with ours, they have given us the opportunity to clarify our view and was there also listened to us.
I am the first to put into action to shoot, but am the first to recognize instances when they do bother to want to hear the reply.
After a long and very constructive conversation follows a contextual clarification on channels VTM's News, which makes clear that it was never the intention has been to link terrorism to airsoft.
A clarification that is worthy of our recognition and respect.

I would therefore like to ask the mail to everyone-to discontinue action IMMEDIATELY on There was further responded to our cry, do with that action would be much like some natrappen and you know my position in it.. natrappen is man-unworthy.

Unfortunately it's not all Rainbows and unicorns.
It also appears that some of us need to go to the journalist deemed PERSONAL attacks and who to hold responsible for everything.
Let me just say that I am EXPRESSLY dissociate from those actions and condemn that may be EVEN MORE. 
It seems to me so obvious that that personal attacks are NOT DONE and that-anyone here guilty of makes-for my part should also no longer appear on the airsoftvelden. 
I am entrusted with the specify that we, as a community, can place us above such wantonnes.. so it seems to me no more or normal that I also 0 understand when they do within our own ranks for.

To this, best airsofters all over the place ....

Thumpy Covey's insight:

BIG Followup from Lucid Mind on the national media done, more work to do...MOST are representing the game well...keep it CIVIL, guys!

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MORE From Lucid Mind on misinformation - AIRSOFTERS ARE NOT TERRORISTS! - From Arnie's Airsoft News!

MORE From Lucid Mind on misinformation - AIRSOFTERS ARE NOT TERRORISTS! - From Arnie's Airsoft News! | Thumpy's 3D House of Airsoft™ @ |

"...Yet today, THE SAME PICTURES appeared again to boost the massive terrorist-paranoia that is dominating our country.

Every airsoft in Belgium and The Netherlands – obviously – is repulsed by the death and tragedy that has been created by some extremist punks BUT we would like to point out that :

- Airsofters are A-politic … we play a game, we don’t do politics.

- Airsofters play a GAME with TOYS … we do not play nor train with real weapons

- Airsofters are NON religious … what you believe is your personal business, we just play a game

- Airsoft is a sport for EVERYBODY, we do not discriminate and we do NOT tolerate racism !

Please help us in our cause, by sharing this message internationally … so that the complete community can distance itself from any form of extremism .. ...."

Thumpy Covey's insight:

More on the fight to stop major media from killing our sport!...PAY ATTENTION...this is coming to a media outlet near you...and you and your teams/sites/stores/players NEED TO BE READY TO RESPOND!

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